Sunday, September 20, 2009

Taipei Missionaries

Wow what an encouraging weekend. We didn't have many duties this weekend except helping out here and there. A team from Taipei came (they come nearly once a month for the weekend) from the head church and they ran programs for the youth in the morning (teens) and the children/sunday school in the afternoon on Saturday. It was so encouraging to see a passionate team want to get involved and give up their weekend to come to this village to help out. Some also went to houses to witness to families too throughout the day. Ivan and I went out with this team last nite to have a coffee and debrief the whole day. It was great to hear them all share about their experience and what they did well and what could be improved and even asking us for our opinions too. We spent the weekend basically just working on our relationships with the students we've known over the years and encouraging to keep going to Church. We'll be leading bible studies next weekend.

Prayer: Praise God for this passionate team of Christians who want to serve His kingdom and have encouraged us to focus on our mission and discipleship here.
Praise God for helping us to recover. We are both at about 90% better already.
Pray that we'll keep improving on our Chinese and having more opportunities to talk to kids about God. (Today I had an encouraging talk with a 12 yr old (Angel) about how she's baptised and to read her bible each nite even if for 5 minutes and she tells me how she prays before she eats and before she sleeps each day. She comes from a home where her mum is a drug addict and parents were in jail and she and her younger sister and brother lived with Jasmine for 18 months and Jasmine brought her to know God - please keep praying for Angel!)
Pray that we'll be safe. I just got a call before from a student saying that we make sure we keep a torch close to us because this time of year there are lots of earthquakes!! (Also, there are gigantic mozzies eating us alive at night.)

Mondays are our days off to rest! Yay! But students will be coming to the Church at night for tutoring so we'll see some tomorrow nite.

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