Saturday, September 26, 2009

First Bible Study Done

Thank God for a busy but very fulfilling day where it began with the middle school students watching 1/2 of "the passion of Christ". Despite the gory and explicit scenes, I felt that a lot of the kids were genuinely affected by the film. When the film finished, Vincent (the head preacher's husband) finished off the session with a reflection song.

As we ate lunch together, there was a family who came and visited ( who previously worked at the church). They came back from their missionary trip in Thailand. The highlight however, was our first English/Chinese bible study. We based the studies off "Just for starters" where today's session we drove home the message of God's grace. Initially we weren't sure how it was going to go but thankfully God was with us all the way. We also had a fellow helper/translator (Steven or Jia Ming) who was kind of enough to review the studies beforehand and translate when necessary. The overall feedback was positive from the students. We finished off the session with some songs which officially put an end to our study.

Although it didn't seem like much, we were exhausted and really thank God that we are able to currently kick back and relax. Our next study will be in two weeks since there is an event next week.

Please pray for this church:

- Pray that the kids attending the Saturday service will be receptive to what is taught.
- Pray that God's message will be passed through despite the language barriers of the English/ Chinese bible study.
- Pray for the leaders, who will be preaching tomorrow and will continue their ministry throughout the week.
- Pray for Mike's sleep as he has been finding it hard to get a regular sleeping pattern.
- Pray for the kids who no longer attend the "winnie the pooh" (children's club) who have stopped coming after they stopped the after the cancellation of after school care.


- Praise God for blessing this church with such diligent and committed workers/leaders.
- Praise God for being with us during our bible study session.
- Praise God for bringing a healthy amount of kids to both the morning and afternoon sessions.
- Praise God for bringing kids to the after-school tutoring classes

1 comment:

  1. "...who have stopped coming after they stopped the after the cancellation of after school care." ?

    will pray for the kids!
